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Health Sciences: Medical Careers Pathway


Are you interested in science, helping others, or discovering new things? Students in the Health Science Pathway learn and practice skills that prepare them for diverse posthigh school education and training opportunities from apprenticeships and two-year college programs to four-year college and graduate programs.


Healthcare is the largest and fastest-growing industry in the United States. In the Health Science: Medical Careers Pathway you can prepare for a career that promotes health, wellness and diagnosis, and treats injuries and diseases.

Career Opportunities in Puyallup Tribe

The Health Sciences: Medical Careers Pathway can lead you to

  • Chief Leschi Schools
    • Nurse
  • Puyallup Tribal Health Authority
  • Children Services
  • Salish Cancer Center
  • Elder Services Wellness Center
    • CNA, LPN, RN, Dr., Dental Assistant, Dentist, Hygenist

Post-High Education Opportunities

  • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Medical Assistant (MA)
  • Associates Pre-Nursing Degree
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Phlebotomy Certificate
  • Associates in Applied Science Physical Therapy Assistant
  • Masters of Science in Nursing
  • Masters in Psychology
  • Doctorate in Medicine

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Nancy Nelson

Nancy Nelson

Director of Career & Technical Education (CTE)


Kayla Smith

Kayla Smith

Health Science CTE teacher